Strength starts small.
It’s a seed that you plant, water, tend, and cultivate.
Over time that thing that seemed so delicate and fragile at the start evolves into something that can hold its own against the challenges it will face.
We endure to mature in order to withstand the strong winds and rocky terrain of our current environment knowing that “this too shall pass”.
It’s in those daily consistent actions we take over time that truly affect change and spark growth.
YOU are growing something.
The energy and ideas that you feed it will inform what it ultimately will be and what it might become over time.
Remember: change truly is the only constant.
Do you thrive on curiosity, adventure, and love?
Or do you feed on worry, fear, and exclusion?
What you ingest daily via media and the community you surround yourself with (and how you interpret those things) will inform the shape, color, power, and overall strength of what you are manifesting.
You are growing.
You are changing.
Even if you refuse to believe it.
Perhaps you think that the way things used to be was the height of human progress and to further it is going backwards.
I’m here to tell you that there is no version of yesterday that has the creative potential that exists at this very moment today in the mindful present.
Strength starts small.
Yet it is a power that can move mountains but you must move or you will calcify in place. One way or another you will be growing and manifesting, either outward towards growth and progress or inward towards stagnation and atrophy.
It’s your choice.
I hope you choose freedom and love and trust in the future you that will do great things.