Hello and welcome to the mindful empath!

My name is Michael Scott Evans.

I am a Texan by way of California...which basically means I value the avocado AND the smoked meats, and if you are able to combine both of those into a taco of some sort, you've basically found your way to my soul!

No, I don't know how to surf, but "y'all" is firmly entrenched in my vocabulary.

As a student at Baylor University I studied Psychology and Communication, earning degrees in both. I furthered my education by completing a Master's of Divinity in Theology from George W. Truett Seminary. Over the last 20 years I have held a variety of pastoral, ministry jobs, and volunteer positions.

I have taught and facilitated conversations with youth and college students as a Pastor. I volunteered my experience and time as a Spiritual Formation Director for a historic church in Austin, TX. I was also able to exercise my musical background for a stint as a Worship and Arts Pastor.

I did much of this while also spending the better part of two decades in corporate America leading sales teams, managing software development groups, and creating/facilitating training with high achieving adults for a Fortune 50 tech company.

I no longer participate in the church thing, hence the descriptor as a non-religious pastor. If there is a calling or purpose to my life, it is to gather people together so that they feel heard, seen, protected, and encouraged.

These days I find myself reading a lot of books on neuroscience, spirituality, connection, and empathy. I am heavily influenced by folks like Brené Brown, Richard Rohr, John O'Donohue, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and Pema Chodron.

I blend neuroscience with mindfulness, esoterica with insightful introspection…and I believe we are at are best when we are creating or cultivating a spark of creativity.

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Podcasts and workshops and stories…OH MY!

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Writing about the intersection of mindfulness, neuroscience, empathy and the esoteric...with a lot of everything else sprinkled in from time to time.


Writing and producing content regarding the intersection between mindfulness and empathy. Mindfulness Coach and Public (non sectarian/religious) pastor. You can also find me at www.bearlyzen.com.